The Force Awakens costumes |
As a late birthday present I got to go to the Star Wars: The Power of Costume exhibit with some friends. I already knew I was going to love the exhibit (I mean clothes and Star Wars is a clear win-win situation), but it was even better than I imagined. Not only do you get to see the costumes up close, but there is a lot of information about how they were made and the inspiration behind them. There's the simple approach of Han Solo's costume with the inspiration coming from cowboys of the west, to the whole progression of Padme's and Palpatine's style.
There are many fabric samples to touch, buttons to press, and quizzes to take throughout the exhibit as well. Even my non-Star Wars loving friend enjoyed it. It's self guided so it's up to you whether you want to take your time looking at all the sketches and reading up on everything, or just get excited about all of the droids, weapons, and uniforms you get to see. Either way, if you you're a Star Wars fan try to make it over to the Discovery Times Square, or look out for it when the exhibit goes on tour later this year. In the mean time you can enjoy some of the photos I took below.
May the Fourth be With You,
x Jasmine
Padama's later costumes |
Vadar poster inspired by war propaganda |
details of Padme's picnic dress, Han in carbonite and details of Boba's suit |
inspiration behind Leia's slave costume |