Saturday, August 26, 2017

What to do with Memorabilia: DIY Shadow Box

 Starting simple on the DIY's with shadow boxes (we'll get into the powertools later.) I saw the idea for these on Pinterest and thought it was a great idea that gave a more personal touch to my travel memorabilia. I have a real distaste for the more kitschy, travel decor that I loved when I was a kid, but this feels a lot more special to me. It's also super easy and has enough room to get creative with your own approach.  
First, you don't need much to make these beside the boxes and some adhesive options. I like using push pins because that way if I mess up or want to rearrange everything in a couple of months it's not a hassle. I used the dots for thicker objects that I couldn't puncture and the letters. This is also where you can get creative and add ribbon, glitter, paint or anything else that catches your eye in the craft store. 

I'm a planner, so I lay out everything how I want it first. Then I take a picture for a reference, take everything off, then start pinning from the bottom layer. I opted for gold pins for the smaller box, but didn't want them to look cluttered, so I made an effort to use one pin for things that overlapped as much as I could. 

For the city names I printed out some photos I took there and free-handed some letter. (IMPORTANT) Make sure the letters are backwards, so when you turn it around to the photo they're the correct way. I printed more photos than I needed because I always forget. I just used a pencil and scissors, but stencils and an X-acto knife would be useful if you wanted something more precise and detailed.  

Stick those letters on and now you have some new wall art that'll remind you of your travels, or any event really. Tag me on Instagram (@fishoutofcloset) if you make your own. 

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